Thursday, November 6, 2014

Loosing That Bump After 9 Months? YES YOU CAN

Body after baby I'll be glad I pinned this one day

1) Breastfeed

The best possible food for your baby is breast milk. Breastfeeding burns serious calories.  Over 600 calories a day for breastfeeding women who don’t supplement with formula.
600 calories!
study published in the Journal of American Dietician Association shows breastfeeding melting off inches around your hips and buttocks.

2) Eat protein

Make sure to have lots of protein in your diet. This includes cottage cheese, eggs, turkey, chicken etc. This helped me stay full and get lean.

3) Go veggie crazy

Veggies are not only extremely healthy but they help you to produce breast milk too. Veggies are also low in calories, but high in nutrients.

4) Move your body

Take your baby for a walk. Go to a gym. Try a fitness DVD. Walk up and down the stairs 25 times.
Move that body. Being a mama is not an excuse to get lazy. If you find pleasure in sports, join a team or a local YMCA. Do what works for you! Just keep moving. I personally love ZUMBA!

5) Keep your skinny jeans

The reason I put this one in here is because too many new moms give up on themselves. They throw away all their pre-baby clothes and take on this mindset: “Oh, I am a mom, now I can eat what I want and no longer need to care about my health or appearance.”
Culled from Stay at home susie

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